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LPC2478 - lcd_putString Issue


There's an expansion board attached to the LPC2478 which contains a motor and a lightgate which can count the revolutions of the motor, connected to a counter (timer1).

My program is written to enable the user to select various motor speeds and receive feedback as to what the actual motor speed is, which is printed on the display.

The display contains various lines of text explaining the program and various speeds the user can select.

Essentially the problem I have is that for every line of 'lcd_putString' that is used, it multiplies the reading of the motor revolutions. There's 12 lines of lcd_putString which are used in the initialisation code of the program to print this text to the display and then never called upon again. If I comment these lines of text out, so that nothing other than the motor speed reading is display, the motor speed is displayed correctly on the display (tested using an oscilloscope).

To put it simply, if there is text printed to the display using lcd_putString, the counter reading is multiplied.

A lot of hours have gone into trying to sort this issue so any help is hugely appreciated.