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Mali Linux Driver Error Message when running opencl program

Hi all:

I use RK3288 with Linux 4.4 and opencl program running on it. I saw some error message print of the console.

[ 6247.837157] mali ffa30000.gpu: JS: Job Hard-Stopped (took more than 50 ticks at 100 ms/tick)
[ 6247.845711] mali ffa30000.gpu: JS: Job Hard-Stopped (took more than 50 ticks at 100 ms/tick)
[ 6247.854615] mali ffa30000.gpu: error detected from slot 0, job status 0x00000004 (TERMINATED)
[ 6247.863451] mali ffa30000.gpu: t6xx: GPU fault 0x04 from job slot 0
[ 6252.976364] mali ffa30000.gpu: JS: Job Hard-Stopped (took more than 50 ticks at 100 ms/tick)

Does it mean the opencl programs occupy GPU too long?
When the opencl program is running, the X-windows screen is hanged but the Linux ssh console still works.
How to avoid X-windows hanged when running opencl programs.

Thank you
