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Confusion about the cycles in streamline

In streamline, multiple counters use cycles,e.g.

In my understanding, these cycles describe the time consumption on the time axis, not the sum of the clock overhead of the real physical units.

If my understanding is correct, how is the cost of specific units such as texture units calculated? For example, there are two texture units working at the same time, and each consumes 1 cycle. At this time, is the cycle of the texture unit 1 or 2? In theory, if it is still according to my understanding, it is 1, but is this correct?

In addition, this cycles should be the sum of the clocks consumed by various loads in the ppt above. It is mentioned that the frequency of GPU and GPU cycles are compared to understand the load of the GPU, but this comparison is wrong with my understand above, because cycles are not sum of cycles of parallel multiple loads,but the span of the timeline.