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GLES enabling in BGFX for MAME

I am getting these errors (about 200 of these) when using bgfx_backend as gles (render_gl.cpp) for MAME (for Android) for Mali T860 MP4. The same are coming during the init when the various texture formats (struct TextureFormat) are being checked for their support in the hardware. Vulkan bakend works fine but is much slower than gles and has glitches hence I would like to use gles.

When I check some parameters (from /sys/module/mali/parameters) from the device I see this -
$ cat mali_shared_mem_size
$ cat mali_debug_level
$ cat mali_dedicated_mem_size

It seems from the dump above that no dedicated GPU memory is allocated and hence GPU/CPU share the memory hence I am confused with the first two issues (below). Currently I have a hack where I comment out anything above 30 in the struct TextureFormat but still have occassional crashes.

Please tell me whether more information is needed.

E/mali_so: encounter the first gles_error : 0x0001 : failed to allocate CPU memory (gles_texture_compressed_tex_image_2d at hardware/rockchip/mali_so/driver/product/gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c:655)
E/mali_so: encounter the first gles_error : 0x0002 : failed to allocate GPU memory (gles_texture_compressed_tex_image_2d at hardware/rockchip/mali_so/driver/product/gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c:700)
E/mali_so: encounter the first gles_error : 0x0003 : execution failed (gles_texturep_convert_internalformat at hardware/rockchip/mali_so/driver/product/gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_helpers.c:184)