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What games are ment to be played on the ARM Mali-450 MP Video chips for android Smartphones?

I want to know all of the games available on all android devices that are available and meant to be played on the ARM Mali 450 MP video chip.

If there are any games that are not meant to be played on this chip, please do tell me or if there are any high definition and high graphics demanding games that will NOT work properly or will work but won't work that successfully on my android device: iNew i6000+ (octa core cpu) phone, please let me know.


- skyrim

-playstation mobile,

- burnout

-temple run 1 and 2

- monsters inc

- portal 1 and 2 etc.....

If my video chip rules and is the best one for playing all games then say its decent and don't say its bad or anything bad about it. Just comment on it and don't flame my post please.

Be specific and be carful to tell me why this game is best for this arm video chip: mali 450 MP.