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Segmentation fault when accessing simple stuct

I'm getting a SIGSEGV at runtime on an Android 5.1 RK3288 device with a Mali-T760 GPU. The same shader also causes a segmentation fault in the offline compiler and I have reduced the problem to the following vertex shader:

#version 300 es

invariant gl_Position;

struct MyStruct {
    float MyField;

void main() {
    MyStruct s;
    gl_Position = vec4(s.MyField);
Here is the output from malisc:
$malisc -d Mali-T600_r11p0-00rel0 --vertex shader.vs

Arm Mali Offline Compiler v6.4.0
(C) Copyright 2007-2018 Arm, Ltd.
All rights reserved.

No core specified, using "Mali-T880" as default.

No core revision specified, using "r2p0" as default.

Segmentation fault: 11
It appears to have been fixed in later versions of the driver. Is the problem documented anywhere and are there any recommended workarounds?