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Question on using Hardware Counters in MGD 5.0.0

 I am using MGD version 5.0.0 with my DS-5 license and encounter a problem. I am trying the new feature in MGD 5.0.0, the “Hardware Counters”. I followed the instructions in the user guide and nothing goes wrong. But when I start the application on my android device, there is no data showed in the Counters Graph view.

Below are what I do:

  1. Start the MGD program.
  2. Use the automated configuration uploader by clicking the button.
  3. Select my device and the process that I want to trace.
  4. Click the upload button and it popped up a message of uploading successfully.
  5. Connect my device with MGD and start the application on my android device.
  6. At this moment, the MGD begins tracing and there is data in every view except the Counter Graph view.  :-(

Please help me with this. Thanks a lot!