UEFI on ARM-V8  based Linux Embedded System

Dear ARM Forum,

I want to understand more about UEFI for ARM-V8 based Embedded systems.

1. Is UEFI on ARM-V8 Linux platform is good or bad ? why ?

2. How UEFI is better than conventional Embedded Booting system?
     First-stage-Boot-loader --> U-Boot --> ATF -->  Linux

3. Support from communities for UEFI on ARMV8 Linux platform ?

4. Documentation for UEFI on ARM-V8 Linux platform ?

5. What are the ARM-V8 HWs already have the  UEFI based development ?

6. Porting efforts from U-Boot based flow to UEFI flow ?

7. Debugging UEFI flow?

8. Any issues that you faced , which lead not to go for UEFI ?

9. Alternatives any ?

Please provide your valuable inputs.


Ravinder Are