Good day. I'm Josh and just starting to learn UEFI on ARM so please bear with me.
I have been following this link for building UEFI ARM, I am attempting first to Build Arm\JunoPkg.
What happens is that I am getting this error:\source\edk2-platforms\Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc(...): error 4000: Instance of library class [VariablePolicyLib] is not found in [f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\RuntimeDxe\VariableRuntimeDxe.inf] [AARCH64] consumed by module [f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\RuntimeDxe\VariableRuntimeDxe.inf]
The next thing I did is to research if there was any similar issue and all I got was this link where it mentioned some commit broke a package.
So I just tried first in using the commit-ids that were suggested to work but I got a new error:
Active Platform = f:\source\edk2-platforms\Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc............... done!Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Library\VarCheckUefiLib\VarCheckUefiLib.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\EmbeddedPkg\Library\NvVarStoreFormattedLib\NvVarStoreFormattedLib.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\ArmPkg\Library\CompilerIntrinsicsLib\CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseStackCheckLib\BaseStackCheckLib.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Library\AuthVariableLibNull\AuthVariableLibNull.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Library\TpmMeasurementLibNull\TpmMeasurementLibNull.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\DxeHobLib\DxeHobLib.inf [AARCH64]Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\UefiDriverEntryPoint\UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf [AARCH64]'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
The current commit-id I last used is b5701a4c7a0fb185e0c5b9db9525939c78664bfd.
I am still investigating but my question is I got these procedures on the official site and should it be that this be working assuming the instructions are followed?
Maybe someone has also experience this issue? I have attached my build dump.
With best regards,
F:\source>build -a AARCH64 -t GCC5 -p Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc -b RELEASE Build environment: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0 Build start time: 17:07:38, Nov.19 2020 WORKSPACE = f:\source PACKAGES_PATH = f:\source\edk2;f:\source\edk2-platforms EDK_TOOLS_PATH = f:\source\edk2\basetools EDK_TOOLS_BIN = f:\source\edk2\basetools\bin\win32 CONF_PATH = f:\source\edk2\conf PYTHON_COMMAND = C:\Python37\python.exe Processing meta-data . Architecture(s) = AARCH64 Build target = RELEASE Toolchain = GCC5 Active Platform = f:\source\edk2-platforms\Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc . f:\source\edk2-platforms\Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc(...): error 4000: Instance of library class [VariablePolicyLib] is not found in [f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\RuntimeDxe\VariableRuntimeDxe.inf] [AARCH64] consumed by module [f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\RuntimeDxe\VariableRuntimeDxe.inf] - Failed - Build end time: 17:07:40, Nov.19 2020 Build total time: 00:00:02 F:\source>cd edk2
F:\source>build -a AARCH64 -t GCC5 -p Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc -b RELEASE Build environment: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0 Build start time: 17:09:59, Nov.19 2020 WORKSPACE = f:\source PACKAGES_PATH = f:\source\edk2;f:\source\edk2-platforms EDK_TOOLS_PATH = f:\source\edk2\basetools EDK_TOOLS_BIN = f:\source\edk2\basetools\bin\win32 CONF_PATH = f:\source\edk2\conf PYTHON_COMMAND = C:\Python37\python.exe Processing meta-data . Architecture(s) = AARCH64 Build target = RELEASE Toolchain = GCC5 Active Platform = f:\source\edk2-platforms\Platform\ARM\JunoPkg\ArmJuno.dsc ............... done! Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Library\VarCheckUefiLib\VarCheckUefiLib.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\EmbeddedPkg\Library\NvVarStoreFormattedLib\NvVarStoreFormattedLib.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\ArmPkg\Library\CompilerIntrinsicsLib\CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseStackCheckLib\BaseStackCheckLib.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Library\AuthVariableLibNull\AuthVariableLibNull.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Library\TpmMeasurementLibNull\TpmMeasurementLibNull.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\DxeHobLib\DxeHobLib.inf [AARCH64] Building ... f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\UefiDriverEntryPoint\UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf [AARCH64] 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdePkg\Library\BaseStackCheckLib\BaseStackCheckLib] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdeModulePkg\Library\VarCheckUefiLib\VarCheckUefiLib] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdeModulePkg\Library\TpmMeasurementLibNull\TpmMeasurementLibNull] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\ArmPkg\Library\CompilerIntrinsicsLib\CompilerIntrinsicsLib] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdePkg\Library\UefiDriverEntryPoint\UefiDriverEntryPoint] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\EmbeddedPkg\Library\NvVarStoreFormattedLib\NvVarStoreFormattedLib] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdePkg\Library\DxeHobLib\DxeHobLib] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdeModulePkg\Library\AuthVariableLibNull\AuthVariableLibNull] : error 7000: Failed to execute command make tbuild [f:\source\Build\ArmJuno\RELEASE_GCC5\AARCH64\MdePkg\Library\DxeServicesTableLib\DxeServicesTableLib] : error F002: Failed to build module f:\source\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseStackCheckLib\BaseStackCheckLib.inf [AARCH64, GCC5, RELEASE] - Failed - Build end time: 17:10:15, Nov.19 2020 Build total time: 00:00:17 F:\source>