Cheap alternative of J-Link Segger

I am looking for some alternative of J-Link Segger for Cortex-M3/4 , the cheapest one is J-Link Base as J-Link Lite can be used only with evaluation boards, 

Any suggestion ?

I am using GNU arm gcc as toolchain and debugger and Eclipse as IDE, I am using J-Link for GDB Server that's it.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Just bumped into this thread. I don't normally reply but I have to agree with Niall on this one.  The Segger stuff is just *so* easy to use and feature complete that quite frankly it isn't really a saving to try and do things any other way. There are plenty of Uber-cheap JTAG/SWD interfaces out there (e.g. the olimex stuff, ST-Link, LPCLinkII etc. etc.) and OpenOCD is a great piece of kit, but it doesn't make any sense if you're paying by the hour.  Add to that the EDU version (great for your guys to learn about the stuff) and their Onboard firmware for things like Nucleo which mean it's available just about anywhere.

    Even more importantly, it's all vendor neutral, so once you've discovered all the little features you've got them whichever CPU you're using (especially if you're using Livius' GnuArmEclipse stuff) one example, just add the option "-rtos /Applications/SEGGER/JLink/GDBServer/RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS" to the 'other options' line in the Eclipse debug configuration and you've got full thread-aware FreeRTOS capability.  *That* kind of convenience is worth real money.

    No commercial relationship, just a happy user....those little black boxes just seem to pop up all over the place in the office.