AMBA 3 AHB-Lite Protocol master and slave connection

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i want to make a design for AMBA 3 AHB-Lite Protocol i have the design for master and slave but i have a problem when i make the test bench the value of the HRDATA is do not care ,on the other hand the slave design return the correct value for HRDATA but the master does not, is there a special method to connect the master and slave together ???

i attached the codes for master, slave and test bench
  • Hi fatima,

    You still need to replicate the behaviour of the MUX even when you have just one slave, but this is simply routing the HREADYOUT from your slave to the master's HREADY input, and also looping it back to the slave's HREADY input.

    At all times the slaves should see on their HREADY inputs the wait states being signalled by the currently selected slave, so usually selected by a MUX when you have multiple slaves, or by a direct feedback loop connection when there is only one slave to be selected.

    The illegal HTRANS sequences and incorrect driving of HREADY back to the slave might not be the causes of the problem in your simulation, but by removing all incorrect stimulus you can then focus on what remains.


  • Hi fatima,

    You still need to replicate the behaviour of the MUX even when you have just one slave, but this is simply routing the HREADYOUT from your slave to the master's HREADY input, and also looping it back to the slave's HREADY input.

    At all times the slaves should see on their HREADY inputs the wait states being signalled by the currently selected slave, so usually selected by a MUX when you have multiple slaves, or by a direct feedback loop connection when there is only one slave to be selected.

    The illegal HTRANS sequences and incorrect driving of HREADY back to the slave might not be the causes of the problem in your simulation, but by removing all incorrect stimulus you can then focus on what remains.


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