Sharing about the famous LCP1114FN28


I'm making test some on the famous LPC1114FN28 is there somebody who have some experience about it ?
Please, thank for sharing here


Here is the beast


And the pinout informations

Parents Reply Children
  • I used something similar for my own projects.

    However, when using it as an educational tool, trying to explain to begineers about the initialization sequence for such display could be a bit hard.

    (Also, it is more than 3 pins - SCLK, MOSI, CS, D/C, RESET, optionally MISO).

  • For the tiny project with educational, i use the famous DIP 8 LCP810 or Or Mbed ST nucleo like
    to explain the link between electronic & computer science. But a 20 pins is more usefull for demonstration.

  • Yes, I know 7-segment (LEDs) are simpler and easier to work with and you either have to set up the SPI or toggle the I/O pins manually.

    -But it's good when you need to save pins.

    Since there are very few Cortex-based DIP, it might be a good idea to acquire an I/O-expander (these exists in DIP as well).

    I/O-expanders can be connected via I2C or SPI, depending on the type.

    You usually get 8 or 16 extra I/O pins that way, and you can add up to 8 I/O-expanders from one vendor and 8 I/O expanders from another vendor (because the addressing often differ) if required. Example: Use 8 I/O-expanders from NXP and 8 I/O-expanders from Microchip. Let's see, that gives us 16*16 extra pins at the cost of 2 I2C pins, which means we get 254 extra pins... And we'll of course use a lot more power.