Why does flash execution consume much power?

Hi all,

I sometimes hear it in the ARM presentations that execution on flash memory consumes much power and execution on RAM is recommended for the low power purpose. I would like to know the reason why accessing to flash memory consumes more power than RAM. Could anyone give me an answer?

Best regards,

Yasuhiko Koumoto.

  • No I'm saying that whether code should be in RAM or Flash depends on how often it is used and how quickly it needs to execute. The RAM will use power all the time. The Flash only needs to be powered up while it is being used. Code executed from Flash will normally be slower and so use more power than if it was in RAM - but code in RAM uses up power even when it isn't being used.  So you want as small a RAM as possible but still include any code that is executed very frequently or needs to handle an interrupt quickly. For very low power devices that only wake up occasionally having a very small RAM and all the code in flash is normally a good idea.

  • No I'm saying that whether code should be in RAM or Flash depends on how often it is used and how quickly it needs to execute. The RAM will use power all the time. The Flash only needs to be powered up while it is being used. Code executed from Flash will normally be slower and so use more power than if it was in RAM - but code in RAM uses up power even when it isn't being used.  So you want as small a RAM as possible but still include any code that is executed very frequently or needs to handle an interrupt quickly. For very low power devices that only wake up occasionally having a very small RAM and all the code in flash is normally a good idea.
