I was linked from Intel (Altera) webpage to get DS-5 Community Edition activation code for Intel SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite from:
In step 2, as copied from the page:
Choose "Add License...", and enter your Activation Code displayed on this page to obtain a license.
I don't see where the code is throughout the page, could you point me where is it displayed?
Thanks, for cheeking up for me. I already made a support ticket asking help for the activation.--------I received a email from support saying that they fixed webpage. it appears now on it.
I am also having this issue with Firefox, Chrome, Edge and IE on PC. Thanks to rk2018 for suggesting using mobile browser!
For Vybrid edition, activation code is still broken, even logged in with Chrome for mobile.
Hi Nouchi,
I work at Arm. I also see the Activation Code missing from https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/embedded/legacy-tools/ds-5-development-studio/editions/customized-editions/vybrid/vybrid-tower-starter-kit
I've reported this internally and hope to bring you more news on this soon.
Hi Stephen,
Any new about this problem?
Because I need to compile some code.
For now, why not use Arm Development Studio, the replacement for DS-5?
There is a 90 day trail version you could use so you could start coding now:
Arm Development Studio | Free 90 day evaluation – Arm Developer
Thank you!
An Activation Code for the DS-5 Starter Kit for Vybrid Controller Tower System Module is now available again from:
Apologies that this has taken so long to be re-instated.