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armds base model sp804 init issues

in arm development studio,

debugging with base model for a53 single core,

config timer sp804 at address 0x001C110000,

// SP804 base addr
volatile unsigned int* const TIMER0_BASE = (unsigned int*)0x001C110000;

// SP804 registers offset
#define TIMER0_LOAD_OFFSET    0x00

void init_timer() {
    // init value

    // cfg control reg
    unsigned int control = 0;
//    control |= (1 << 7);  // enable interrupt
    control |= (1 << 6);  // up count
    control |= (1 << 1);  // periodical
    control |= (1 << 0);  // enable timer

read current  Current Value Register, TimerXValue more than 2 times,

no change was observed


  • It is not obvious from the above code snippet what the issue could be. Does the disassembly show that the write(s) occured?

    Try importing the startup_Cortex-A53x1 example supplied with Arm Development Studio. There is sp804_timer.c source therein that configures the timer that you can use as comparison with your code.

  • It is not obvious from the above code snippet what the issue could be. Does the disassembly show that the write(s) occured?

    Try importing the startup_Cortex-A53x1 example supplied with Arm Development Studio. There is sp804_timer.c source therein that configures the timer that you can use as comparison with your code.
