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  • Note: This was originally posted on 14th June 2010 at

    Please check out the definition of the above macro(?). I am sure these NOPs get generated explicitly.


    Hi Marcus,

    Thanks for your reply.  Actually, the macro just expands to  __disable_irq()

    I should have included that information initially.  There are other examples of what seem to be lots of NOPs, some that have nothing to do w/ interrupts, I'll put in another example below.

    Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for your reply.  I'll follow up w/ a post on my configuration, I suspect it's similar if not identical, but I'll get the toolset config & post back.

    It's interesting that the __disable_irq() intrinsic didn't generate the NOPs for you.  I suppose a cut & paste of my compiler command line would probably also be useful.

    I'll post back with a) the toolset config, B) the compiler command line, and c) another example that has lots of NOPs that doesn't manipulate interrupts at all.  I realize it's very difficult to troubleshoot / understand / explain a compiler's behavior without the full picture, it's just that right now I'm not at liberty to paste in full chunks of source code.  I'll try to create a standalone mini-test case, that would probably get us the most useful information right away.

    Thanks to you both, back soon.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 14th June 2010 at

    Please check out the definition of the above macro(?). I am sure these NOPs get generated explicitly.


    Hi Marcus,

    Thanks for your reply.  Actually, the macro just expands to  __disable_irq()

    I should have included that information initially.  There are other examples of what seem to be lots of NOPs, some that have nothing to do w/ interrupts, I'll put in another example below.

    Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for your reply.  I'll follow up w/ a post on my configuration, I suspect it's similar if not identical, but I'll get the toolset config & post back.

    It's interesting that the __disable_irq() intrinsic didn't generate the NOPs for you.  I suppose a cut & paste of my compiler command line would probably also be useful.

    I'll post back with a) the toolset config, B) the compiler command line, and c) another example that has lots of NOPs that doesn't manipulate interrupts at all.  I realize it's very difficult to troubleshoot / understand / explain a compiler's behavior without the full picture, it's just that right now I'm not at liberty to paste in full chunks of source code.  I'll try to create a standalone mini-test case, that would probably get us the most useful information right away.

    Thanks to you both, back soon.
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