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  • Note: This was originally posted on 14th June 2010 at

    Hi Wave,

    I cannot reproduce the problem. For example, I use the following C code:
      printf("Hello world\n");
      UartPutc((char) 0x4);

    The disassembly result is:
            0x00000166:    f000f849    ..I.    BL       UartStdOutInit ; 0x1fc
            0x0000016a:    b672        r.      CPSID    i
            0x0000016c:    a003        ..      ADR      r0,{pc}+0x10 ; 0x17c
            0x0000016e:    f000f86d    ..m.    BL       __2printf ; 0x24c
            0x00000172:    b662        b.      CPSIE    i
            0x00000174:    2004        .       MOVS     r0,#4
            0x00000176:    f000f84c    ..L.    BL       UartPutc ; 0x212

    I used ARM RVDS 4.0-SP3,
        ARM C/C++ Compiler, RVCT4.0 [Build 650]
        ARM Assembler, RVCT4.0 [Build 650]
        ARM Linker, RVCT4.0 [Build 650]

    armcc option : -c -O0 -W -g -Otime --cpu Cortex-M3

    Could you generate a test case? Thanks
  • Note: This was originally posted on 14th June 2010 at

    Hi Wave,

    I cannot reproduce the problem. For example, I use the following C code:
      printf("Hello world\n");
      UartPutc((char) 0x4);

    The disassembly result is:
            0x00000166:    f000f849    ..I.    BL       UartStdOutInit ; 0x1fc
            0x0000016a:    b672        r.      CPSID    i
            0x0000016c:    a003        ..      ADR      r0,{pc}+0x10 ; 0x17c
            0x0000016e:    f000f86d    ..m.    BL       __2printf ; 0x24c
            0x00000172:    b662        b.      CPSIE    i
            0x00000174:    2004        .       MOVS     r0,#4
            0x00000176:    f000f84c    ..L.    BL       UartPutc ; 0x212

    I used ARM RVDS 4.0-SP3,
        ARM C/C++ Compiler, RVCT4.0 [Build 650]
        ARM Assembler, RVCT4.0 [Build 650]
        ARM Linker, RVCT4.0 [Build 650]

    armcc option : -c -O0 -W -g -Otime --cpu Cortex-M3

    Could you generate a test case? Thanks
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