RdV3-R1 FVP - OS Installation issue

Hi Team,

Facing OS installation issue, while install & booting to OS with EDKII BIOS.
Using the RdV3-R1 FVP Arm Ecosystem FVPs – Arm Developer , downloaded the source with the help of XML 
TAG information:
FVP Tag - RD-INFRA-2024.09.30 
FVP Version - 11.27.25
With this source, able to boot to UEFI shell with EDK II BIOS.
OS Boot:
With the reference, tried below OS installation on FVP:
  1. debian-12.7.0-arm64-netinst.isoInstallation is getting started but terminated during the early installation stage. 
  2. ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-arm64.iso - Facing hang.
    Also, enabled serial debugging in Linux installation.
    In the GRUB,
    • Press the key 'e' to edit
    • Included the 'console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200'
    • Boot by pressing 'CTRL+X'
    But the installation process of Ubuntu get hang. 

Our system configuration to build and boot to OS.
Processor           - 12th Gen Intel® Core  i5-12500 × 12
OS             - Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Memory          - 32.0 GiB
Disk Capacity      - 1.0 TB

Please let us know is there any HW/SW recommendation for OS installation & boot on FVP or let us know what configuration is used on your end to boot to OS?
Mehala P
  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your quick response, Tom. I encountered the same behavior while testing on RdV3R1Cfg1 FVP as well.

    I'm eagerly waiting for your reply once your testing is complete.

    WinPE boot issue:

    I'm having one more query regarding WinPE boot on both RdN2 & RdV3R1Cfg1.

    We are facing WinPE boot issue with the latest Tag RD-INFRA-2024.09.30.
    Using the RdN2 FVP from ARM Ecosystem , downloaded the source with the help of RdN2 xml file
    FVP and System Configuration:
    • Rd-N2 FVP Version 11.27.25 with the latest firmware Tag RD-INFRA-2024.09.30.
    • According to prerequisites, Host machine with Ubuntu 22.04 with total disk space 1TB and 32GB of RAM. Additionally, having 128GB swap space [virtual memory].
    WinPE ISO creation:
    On referring the installation guide, downloaded the latest version of ADK and ADK Windows PE add-on of version 10.1.26100.1.
    Followed the below steps for the creation of ISO based on WinPE guide:
    copype arm64 E:\WinPE_arm64
    cd E:\WinPE_arm64\media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot
    bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} ems ON
    MakeWinPEMedia /ISO E:\WinPE_arm64 C:\WinPE_arm64\WinPE_arm64.iso
    Booting WinPE ISO:
    1. For RdN2:
    As per the WinPE boot guide, tried booting with the command ./distro.sh -p rdn2 -d /absolute/path/to/WinPE_arm64.iso. While booting it hangs at this page,
    After a while, it proceeds to "loading files..." but then hangs on a blank screen for overnight.

     2. For RdV2R1Cfg1:

    Facing the below synchronous exception.

    Kindly give suggestions regarding the Boot issues of Ubuntu 24 and WinPE.


    Mehala P

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your quick response, Tom. I encountered the same behavior while testing on RdV3R1Cfg1 FVP as well.

    I'm eagerly waiting for your reply once your testing is complete.

    WinPE boot issue:

    I'm having one more query regarding WinPE boot on both RdN2 & RdV3R1Cfg1.

    We are facing WinPE boot issue with the latest Tag RD-INFRA-2024.09.30.
    Using the RdN2 FVP from ARM Ecosystem , downloaded the source with the help of RdN2 xml file
    FVP and System Configuration:
    • Rd-N2 FVP Version 11.27.25 with the latest firmware Tag RD-INFRA-2024.09.30.
    • According to prerequisites, Host machine with Ubuntu 22.04 with total disk space 1TB and 32GB of RAM. Additionally, having 128GB swap space [virtual memory].
    WinPE ISO creation:
    On referring the installation guide, downloaded the latest version of ADK and ADK Windows PE add-on of version 10.1.26100.1.
    Followed the below steps for the creation of ISO based on WinPE guide:
    copype arm64 E:\WinPE_arm64
    cd E:\WinPE_arm64\media\EFI\Microsoft\Boot
    bcdedit /store BCD /set {default} ems ON
    MakeWinPEMedia /ISO E:\WinPE_arm64 C:\WinPE_arm64\WinPE_arm64.iso
    Booting WinPE ISO:
    1. For RdN2:
    As per the WinPE boot guide, tried booting with the command ./distro.sh -p rdn2 -d /absolute/path/to/WinPE_arm64.iso. While booting it hangs at this page,
    After a while, it proceeds to "loading files..." but then hangs on a blank screen for overnight.

     2. For RdV2R1Cfg1:

    Facing the below synchronous exception.

    Kindly give suggestions regarding the Boot issues of Ubuntu 24 and WinPE.


    Mehala P

  • I don't have very good news. Ubuntu 24 is currently not supported, it's a known issue in reference firmware stack and it's being worked on, but I cannot tell you when it's likely to be mended.

    For RD-N2, I recommend applying this patch to the edk2-platforms checkout:

    diff --git a/Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/SgiMemoryMap2.dsc.inc b/Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/SgiMemoryMap2.dsc.inc
    index 4989625..02c7686 100644
    --- a/Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/SgiMemoryMap2.dsc.inc
    +++ b/Platform/ARM/SgiPkg/SgiMemoryMap2.dsc.inc
    @@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
    +  # Generic Timer
    +  gArmSgiTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGtCtlBase|0x2A810000
    +  gArmSgiTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGtFrame1CtlBase|0x2A820000
    +  gArmSgiTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGtFrame0CtlBase|0x2A830000
       # SP804 dual timer

    which adds generic timer and watchdog timer info.

    I currently have no info on booting WinPE on RD-V3 R1.

  • Hi  

    Thank you for your support!

    Could you please let us know where we can find the latest updates regarding the OS boot?


    Mehala P