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Instruction timings - arm cortex m3

I am using the following 3 assembly sections to read a memory mapped i/o to multiple registers and to read same i/o and save it ram respectively , on an ARM Cortex M3. I want to know exactly how many CPU cycles this would take to complete. Or in other words how fast am I reading the register.

1) read to and save to memory: Can LDR-STR=LDR-STR be tightly pipelined (With Address Phase of one instruction overlapping Data Phase of previous instruction), in which case the following will take only 9 cycles ? 

     486:   781a      ldrb        r2, [r3, #0]

     488:   7002      strb        r2, [r0, #0]

     48a:   781a      ldrb        r2, [r3, #0]

     48c:   7042      strb        r2, [r0, #1]

     48e:  781a      ldrb        r2, [r3, #0]

     490:   7082      strb        r2, [r0, #2]

     492:   781a      ldrb        r2, [r3, #0]

     494:   70c2      strb        r2, [r0, #3]

2) read to multiple registers: I am assuming these instructions take 5 cycles.

     486:   781a      ldrb        r2, [r3, #0]

     48a:   781a      ldrb        r4, [r3, #0]

     48e:  781a      ldrb        r5, [r3, #0]

     492:   781a      ldrb        r6, [r3, #0]

I appreciate any insight you can provide.


  • As there are differences between various Cortex-M3 implementations, I'd like to ask you which microcontroller (vendor and chip name) you are using or plan on using ?

    -If I'm lucky, I might have one, so I can make further tests (or someone reading this might be able to make a few tests).