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Implementing a non-hanging USB listener

I'm working with an LPC1768(FBD100) and need to connect to a PC through a serial USB. As a starting point, I used the sample package USB virtual com port.

Installed packages:

My code:

#include "includes.h"

int main (void) {
MenuEntryVType* MenuEntry;




// Works as expected ; new COMx device shows in dev manager.
USBD_Initialize (0U); // USB Device 0 Initialization
USBD_Connect (0U); // USB Device 0 Connect

// menu handling code
// actual functionality start servos, etc.)
// does not get executed. Why?
return 0;

Why does USBD_Connect() hang? no code gets executed past that point; the lpc1768 does connect, however, to the PC:

rl_usb.h contains the definitions of USBD_Initialize() and USBD_Connect():

/// \brief Initialize USB Device stack and controller
/// \param[in] device index of USB Device.
/// \return status code that indicates the execution status of the function as defined with \ref usbStatus.
extern usbStatus USBD_Initialize (uint8_t device);

/// \brief Activate pull-up on D+ or D- line to signal USB Device connection on USB Bus
/// \param[in] device index of USB Device.
/// \return status code that indicates the execution status of the function as defined with \ref usbStatus.
extern usbStatus USBD_Connect (uint8_t device);

These are function declarations; I don't know where the implementations are (likely in USB_CM3_L.lib).

Read/write functions are defined in USBD_User_CDC_ACM_UART_0.c

 * MDK Middleware - Component ::USB:Device
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2019 ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.
 * Name:    USBD_User_CDC_ACM_UART_0.c
 * Purpose: USB Device Communication Device Class (CDC)
 *          Abstract Control Model (ACM) USB <-> UART Bridge User module
 * Rev.:    V1.0.3
 * \addtogroup usbd_cdcFunctions
 * USBD_User_CDC_ACM_UART_0.c implements the application specific
 * functionality of the CDC ACM class and is used to demonstrate a USB <-> UART
 * bridge. All data received on USB is transmitted on UART and all data
 * received on UART is transmitted on USB.
 * Details of operation:
 *   UART -> USB:
 *     Initial reception on UART is started after the USB Host sets line coding
 *     with SetLineCoding command. Having received a full UART buffer, any
 *     new reception is restarted on the same buffer. Any data received on
 *     the UART is sent over USB using the CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread thread.
 *   USB -> UART:
 *     While the UART transmit is not busy, data transmission on the UART is
 *     started in the USBD_CDC0_ACM_DataReceived callback as soon as data is
 *     received on the USB. Further data received on USB is transmitted on
 *     UART in the UART callback routine until there is no more data available.
 *     In this case, the next UART transmit is restarted from the
 *     USBD_CDC0_ACM_DataReceived callback as soon as new data is received
 *     on the USB.
 * The following constants in this module affect the module functionality:
 *  - UART_PORT:        specifies UART Port
 *      default value:  0 (=UART0)
 *  - UART_BUFFER_SIZE: specifies UART data Buffer Size
 *      default value:  512
 * Notes:
 *   If the USB is slower than the UART, data can get lost. This may happen
 *   when USB is pausing during data reception because of the USB Host being
 *   too loaded with other tasks and not polling the Bulk IN Endpoint often
 *   enough (up to 2 seconds of gap in polling Bulk IN Endpoint may occur).
 *   This problem can be solved by using a large enough UART buffer to
 *   compensate up to a few seconds of received UART data or by using UART
 *   flow control.
 *   If the device that receives the UART data (usually a PC) is too loaded
 *   with other tasks it can also loose UART data. This problem can only be
 *   solved by using UART flow control.
 *   This file has to be adapted in case of UART flow control usage.
//! [code_USBD_User_CDC_ACM]
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "rl_usb.h"
#if defined(RTE_CMSIS_RTOS2)
  #include "cmsis_os2.h"
#if defined(RTE_CMSIS_RTOS2_RTX5)
  #include "rtx_os.h"
#if defined(RTE_CMSIS_RTOS)
  #include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "Driver_USART.h"
// UART Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------
#define  UART_PORT              1       // UART Port number
#define  UART_BUFFER_SIZE       512     // UART Buffer Size
#define _UART_Driver_(n)        Driver_USART##n
#define  UART_Driver_(n)       _UART_Driver_(n)
extern   ARM_DRIVER_USART       UART_Driver_(UART_PORT);
#define  ptrUART              (&UART_Driver_(UART_PORT))
// External functions
extern   void                   CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread (void const *arg) __attribute((noreturn));
// Local Variables
static            uint8_t       uart_rx_buf[UART_BUFFER_SIZE];
static            uint8_t       uart_tx_buf[UART_BUFFER_SIZE];
static   volatile int32_t       uart_rx_cnt         =   0;
static   volatile int32_t       usb_tx_cnt          =   0;
static   void                  *cdc_acm_bridge_tid  =   0U;
static   CDC_LINE_CODING        cdc_acm_line_coding = { 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U };
// Called when UART has transmitted or received requested number of bytes.
// \param[in]   event         UART event
//               - ARM_USART_EVENT_SEND_COMPLETE:    all requested data was sent
//               - ARM_USART_EVENT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE: all requested data was received
static void UART_Callback (uint32_t event) {
  int32_t cnt;
    // USB -> UART
    cnt = USBD_CDC_ACM_ReadData(0U, uart_tx_buf, UART_BUFFER_SIZE);
    if (cnt > 0) {
      ptrUART->Send(uart_tx_buf, (uint32_t)(cnt));
    // UART data received, restart new reception
    uart_rx_cnt += UART_BUFFER_SIZE;
    ptrUART->Receive(uart_rx_buf, UART_BUFFER_SIZE);
// Thread: Sends data received on UART to USB
// \param[in]     arg           not used.
__NO_RETURN static void CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread (void *arg) {
__NO_RETURN        void CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread (void const *arg) {
  int32_t cnt, cnt_to_wrap;
  while (1) {
    // UART - > USB
    if (ptrUART->GetStatus().rx_busy != 0U) {
      cnt  = uart_rx_cnt;
      cnt += ptrUART->GetRxCount();
      cnt -= usb_tx_cnt;
      if (cnt >= UART_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        // Dump data received on UART if USB is not consuming fast enough
        usb_tx_cnt += cnt;
        cnt = 0U;
      if (cnt > 0) {
        cnt_to_wrap = (int32_t)(UART_BUFFER_SIZE - ((uint32_t)usb_tx_cnt & (UART_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)));
        if (cnt > cnt_to_wrap) {
          cnt = cnt_to_wrap;
        cnt = USBD_CDC_ACM_WriteData(0U, (uart_rx_buf + ((uint32_t)usb_tx_cnt & (UART_BUFFER_SIZE - 1))), cnt);
        if (cnt > 0) {
          usb_tx_cnt += cnt;
static osRtxThread_t        cdc0_acm_uart_to_usb_thread_cb_mem               __SECTION(.bss.os.thread.cb);
static uint64_t             cdc0_acm_uart_to_usb_thread_stack_mem[512U / 8U] __SECTION(.bss.os.thread.stack);
static const osThreadAttr_t cdc0_acm_uart_to_usb_thread_attr = {
extern const osThreadDef_t os_thread_def_CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread;
osThreadDef (CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread, osPriorityNormal, 1U, 0U);
// CDC ACM Callbacks -----------------------------------------------------------
// Called when new data was received from the USB Host.
// \param[in]   len           number of bytes available to read.
void USBD_CDC0_ACM_DataReceived (uint32_t len) {
  int32_t cnt;
  if (ptrUART->GetStatus().tx_busy == 0U) {
    // Start USB -> UART
    cnt = USBD_CDC_ACM_ReadData(0U, uart_tx_buf, UART_BUFFER_SIZE);
    if (cnt > 0) {
      ptrUART->Send(uart_tx_buf, (uint32_t)(cnt));
// Called during USBD_Initialize to initialize the USB CDC class instance (ACM).
void USBD_CDC0_ACM_Initialize (void) {
  ptrUART->Initialize   (UART_Callback);
  ptrUART->PowerControl (ARM_POWER_FULL);
  cdc_acm_bridge_tid = osThreadNew (CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread, NULL, &cdc0_acm_uart_to_usb_thread_attr);
  cdc_acm_bridge_tid = osThreadCreate (osThread (CDC0_ACM_UART_to_USB_Thread), NULL);
// Called during USBD_Uninitialize to de-initialize the USB CDC class instance (ACM).
void USBD_CDC0_ACM_Uninitialize (void) {
  if (osThreadTerminate (cdc_acm_bridge_tid) == osOK) {
    cdc_acm_bridge_tid = NULL;
  ptrUART->Control      (ARM_USART_ABORT_RECEIVE, 0U);
  ptrUART->PowerControl (ARM_POWER_OFF);
  ptrUART->Uninitialize ();
// Called upon USB Bus Reset Event.
void USBD_CDC0_ACM_Reset (void) {
  ptrUART->Control      (ARM_USART_ABORT_SEND,    0U);
  ptrUART->Control      (ARM_USART_ABORT_RECEIVE, 0U);
// Called upon USB Host request to change communication settings.
// \param[in]   line_coding   pointer to CDC_LINE_CODING structure.
// \return      true          set line coding request processed.
// \return      false         set line coding request not supported or not processed.
bool USBD_CDC0_ACM_SetLineCoding (const CDC_LINE_CODING *line_coding) {
  uint32_t data_bits = 0U, parity = 0U, stop_bits = 0U;
  int32_t  status;
  ptrUART->Control (ARM_USART_ABORT_SEND,    0U);
  ptrUART->Control (ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX,    0U);
  ptrUART->Control (ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX,    0U);
  switch (line_coding->bCharFormat) {
    case 0:                             // 1 Stop bit
      stop_bits = ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_1;
    case 1:                             // 1.5 Stop bits
      stop_bits = ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_1_5;
    case 2:                             // 2 Stop bits
      stop_bits = ARM_USART_STOP_BITS_2;
  switch (line_coding->bParityType) {
    case 0:                             // None
      parity = ARM_USART_PARITY_NONE;
    case 1:                             // Odd
      parity = ARM_USART_PARITY_ODD;
    case 2:                             // Even
      parity = ARM_USART_PARITY_EVEN;
      return false;
  switch (line_coding->bDataBits) {
    case 5:
      data_bits = ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_5;
    case 6:
      data_bits = ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_6;
    case 7:
      data_bits = ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_7;
    case 8:
      data_bits = ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_8;
      return false;
  status = ptrUART->Control(ARM_USART_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS  |
                            data_bits                    |
                            parity                       |
                            stop_bits                    |
                            ARM_USART_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE  ,
                            line_coding->dwDTERate       );

  if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) {
    return false;
  // Store requested settings to local variable
  cdc_acm_line_coding = *line_coding;
  uart_rx_cnt = 0;
  usb_tx_cnt  = 0;
  ptrUART->Control (ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX, 1U);
  ptrUART->Control (ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX, 1U);
  ptrUART->Receive (uart_rx_buf, UART_BUFFER_SIZE);
  return true;
// Called upon USB Host request to retrieve communication settings.
// \param[out]  line_coding   pointer to CDC_LINE_CODING structure.
// \return      true          get line coding request processed.
// \return      false         get line coding request not supported or not processed.
bool USBD_CDC0_ACM_GetLineCoding (CDC_LINE_CODING *line_coding) {
  // Load settings from ones stored on USBD_CDC0_ACM_SetLineCoding callback
  *line_coding = cdc_acm_line_coding;
  return true;
// Called upon USB Host request to set control line states.
// \param [in]  state         control line settings bitmap.
//                - bit 0: DTR state
//                - bit 1: RTS state
// \return      true          set control line state request processed.
// \return      false         set control line state request not supported or not processed.
bool USBD_CDC0_ACM_SetControlLineState (uint16_t state) {
  // Add code for set control line state
  return true;
//! [code_USBD_User_CDC_ACM]

Is it possible to run the lpc1768 as a USB listener and also perform a set of tasks in parallel? If yes, how should I go about it?

  • I used USB CDC for an LPC1857 project that used RTOS2 (you're using RTOS1?). I chose to use a thread to manage the USB interface and communications, so 'yes' to the question of being a listener and doing other things in parallel.

    When the USB manager thread launches, it first calls USBD_Initialize() and then calls USBD_Connect. Possibly due to a quirk of our board, we have to manually set the VC bit in the OTGSC register after connect() completes.

    Even if 'nothing executes' after USBD_Connect(), the core must be doing something. Where it ends up can tell you a lot about what went wrong. Hard fault handler? At the exit infinite loop?

    The System and Thread Viewer will help find issues with lack of memory causing dynamic resources to fail (e.g., threads) or if a thread has stalled out.

    The Debug version of the USB library has a ton of EventRecorder hooks, which makes tracing USB activity much easier. 

    You're creating a thread inside your USBD_CDC0_ACM_Initialize() function (hopefully after osKernelInitialize() has been called). That thread could cause problems if it tries to push data over USB before USBD_Connect() completes. Have you tried creating that thread after USBD_Connect()? Or using USBD_Configured() to only use it once configuration is complete?

    You're bridging USB to serial -- do you get past USB_Connect() if you disable (comment out, etc.) everything to do with the UART initialization and setup?  

    The USB thread stack sizes are set in USBD_Config*.c (core thread) and USBD_Config_CDC*.h (endpoint threads). I used 512 bytes for each and made sure that the RTOS had a lot of dynamic memory (RTX_Config.h) for the thread stacks, queues, and timers that I use.  I also allocated 1024 bytes each to the send and receive buffers in USBD_Config_CDC*.h. (Really overkill for the 64-byte packets I was using!)

    I can't remember if it's a requirement, but you should probably call USBD_CDC_ACM_Notify_ResponseAvailable() after the USBD_CDC_ACM_WriteData succeeds, to notify the host to collect the data. I found that USBD_CDC_ACM_WriteData can fail occasionally (busy), so a little more code to handle retries was worth it. 

    Finally, I recommend getting rid of the osDelay(10) in your CDC thread and the direct call to USB CDC Write in the UART callback, instead switching to a model that uses events to signal when work needs to be done and queues to buffer data while waiting. 

  • I used USB CDC for an LPC1857 project that used RTOS2 (you're using RTOS1?). I chose to use a thread to manage the USB interface and communications, so 'yes' to the question of being a listener and doing other things in parallel.

    When the USB manager thread launches, it first calls USBD_Initialize() and then calls USBD_Connect. Possibly due to a quirk of our board, we have to manually set the VC bit in the OTGSC register after connect() completes.

    Even if 'nothing executes' after USBD_Connect(), the core must be doing something. Where it ends up can tell you a lot about what went wrong. Hard fault handler? At the exit infinite loop?

    The System and Thread Viewer will help find issues with lack of memory causing dynamic resources to fail (e.g., threads) or if a thread has stalled out.

    The Debug version of the USB library has a ton of EventRecorder hooks, which makes tracing USB activity much easier. 

    You're creating a thread inside your USBD_CDC0_ACM_Initialize() function (hopefully after osKernelInitialize() has been called). That thread could cause problems if it tries to push data over USB before USBD_Connect() completes. Have you tried creating that thread after USBD_Connect()? Or using USBD_Configured() to only use it once configuration is complete?

    You're bridging USB to serial -- do you get past USB_Connect() if you disable (comment out, etc.) everything to do with the UART initialization and setup?  

    The USB thread stack sizes are set in USBD_Config*.c (core thread) and USBD_Config_CDC*.h (endpoint threads). I used 512 bytes for each and made sure that the RTOS had a lot of dynamic memory (RTX_Config.h) for the thread stacks, queues, and timers that I use.  I also allocated 1024 bytes each to the send and receive buffers in USBD_Config_CDC*.h. (Really overkill for the 64-byte packets I was using!)

    I can't remember if it's a requirement, but you should probably call USBD_CDC_ACM_Notify_ResponseAvailable() after the USBD_CDC_ACM_WriteData succeeds, to notify the host to collect the data. I found that USBD_CDC_ACM_WriteData can fail occasionally (busy), so a little more code to handle retries was worth it. 

    Finally, I recommend getting rid of the osDelay(10) in your CDC thread and the direct call to USB CDC Write in the UART callback, instead switching to a model that uses events to signal when work needs to be done and queues to buffer data while waiting. 
