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How do I reduce execution time and number of cycles, in a block copying of data code.

Hi there, this is a working piece of code that I have written and I am wondering if there is any way to reduce the overall execution time, number of cycles or maybe the size of the memory in the code.

  EXPORT  __Vectors
  EXPORT Reset_Handler
  DCD 0x00180000     ; top of the stack 
  DCD Reset_Handler  ; reset vector - where the program starts

num_words EQU (end_source-source)/4  ; number of words to copy

  LDR r0,=source     ; point to the start of the area of memory to copy from
  LDR r1,=dest       ; point to the start of the area of memory to copy to
  MOV r2,#num_words  ; get the number of words to copy
  ; find out how many blocks of 8 words need to be copied - it is assumed
  ; that it is faster to load 8 data items at a time, rather than load
  ; individually
  MOVS r3,r2,LSR #3  ; find the number of blocks of 8 words
  BEQ individ        ; if no blocks to copy, just copy individual words
  ; copy and process blocks of 8 words 
  LDMIA r0!,{r5-r12}  ; get 8 words to copy as a block
  MOV r4,r5           ; get first item
  BL data_processing  ; process first item 
  MOV r5,r4           ; keep first item
  MOV r4,r6           ; get second item
  BL data_processing  ; process second item 
  MOV r6,r4           ; keep second item
  MOV r4,r7           ; get third item
  BL data_processing  ; process third item
  MOV r7,r4           ; keep third item  
  MOV r4,r8           ; get fourth item
  BL data_processing  ; process fourth item 
  MOV r8,r4           ; keep fourth item
  MOV r4,r9           ; get fifth item
  BL data_processing  ; process fifth item
  MOV r9,r4           ; keep fifth item  
  MOV r4,r10          ; get sixth item
  BL data_processing  ; process sixth item 
  MOV r10,r4	      ; keep sixth item
  MOV r4,r11          ; get seventh item
  BL data_processing  ; process seventh item
  MOV r11,r4          ; keep seventh item 
  MOV r4,r12          ; get eighth item
  BL data_processing  ; process eighth item
  MOV r12,r4          ; keep eighth item  
  STMIA r1!,{r5-r12}  ; copy the 8 words 
  SUBS r3,r3,#1       ; move on to the next block
  BNE block_loop      ; continue until last block reached

  ; there may now be some data items available (fewer than 8)
  ; find out how many of these individual words need to be copied 
  ANDS r3,r2,#7   ; find the number of words that remain to copy individually
  BEQ exit        ; skip individual copying if none remains

  ; copy the excess of words
  LDR r4,[r0],#4      ; get next word to copy
  BL data_processing  ; process the item read
  STR r4,[r1],#4      ; copy the word 
  SUBS r3,r3,#1       ; move on to the next word
  BNE individ_loop    ; continue until the last word reached

  ; languish in an endless loop once all is done
  B exit

  ; subroutine to scale a value by 0.5 and then saturate values to a maximum of 5 
  CMP r4,#10           ; check whether saturation is needed
  BLT divide_by_two    ; if not, just divide by 2
  MOV r4,#5            ; saturate to 5
  BX lr
  MOV r4,r4,LSR #1     ; perform scaling
  BX lr

source  ; some data to copy
  DCD 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,0,4,6,12,15,13,8,5,4,3,2,1,6,23,11,9,10 

dest  ; copy to this area of memory
  SPACE end_source-source

I am working with The Cortex M3, as long as one of those three things has been made smaller it's ok. Thank you for your help, the changes don't have to be major as long as something changes.

  • You could easily make the code significantly smaller by using your individ_loop code for the entire data set, and removing block_loop (and the overhead code of checking if data size is not multiple of block)

    It is an interesting trade off... code size vs performance, especially for devices with limited memory resources available. Your block copy loop is likely faster, but the individ_loop may be fast enough for your needs.