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How change ULINK2 JTAG TCK ?


How to change the clock frequency of a JTAG connection with ULINK2 ?

I made a measurement using an oscilloscope on the TCK pin and the clock frequency is 600 KHz.

How to select or set a different frequency ?

I can't find where to select it.


  • Hi debugasm

    Arm DS provides some different ways to connect to a target:
    1. Using ready-made debug connection information from CMSIS Packs (which is what you are currently using)
    2. Using ready-made debug connection information from the Debugger's "configdb"
    3. Using a custom debug connection via the Platform Configuration Editor.

    The clock speed is hard-coded for 1 (for example, see the jtag_clock entry in Development Studio Workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.arm.debug.cmsis\DS-MDK\SAMA5_DFP_ATSAMA5D27, but you could try changing this) and 2, but can be configured via the GUI with 3.


    Hope this helps
