Hi, I'm working on N1SDP board and wanted to use Streamline with it. I obtained the source code for gator daemon and gator driver from github and it is of the latest version (Streamline Version 7). However, the Streamline version that is available from my DS-5.29.2 only supports up to 6.7.1 of Streamline. How do I upgrade my Streamline version? Do i need to migrate to Arm Development Studio?
Hi Diane,
I believe you've solved this since you asked this given https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/tools/f/armds-forum/44074/trouble-creating-gator-driver-for-streamline/159973#159973, but I'd like to add that, in general, we recommend using the gator source that matches the version of Streamline you are using. You can find this at sw/streamline/gator within the DS installation.
Yes the previous gator created is running on version 7 which is not compatible with our DS. However, i did managed to re-create the gatord and gator.ko for Streamline version 6.9 from gator source obtained upon downloading Arm Development Studio (ver 2019.0.1) like you suggested. We tried getting the evaluation license for Arm Development Studio, but no product is shown after I logged into my Arm account.
P/s: from my previous question in the forum https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/tools/f/armds-forum/44074/trouble-creating-gator-driver-for-streamline/159973#159973, gator.ko is crucial since I need to capture these following instructions which is not available when running Streamline on user space gator.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Diane, if using Streamline with a Neoverse core, you would need to use Development Studio Platinum Edition, which is not covered by the evaluation license.
Please can you send me an email (first.last@arm.com) or a private message here, and we can discuss offline.
Hi Diane, all of those events should be available with userspace gator. What events did you see when you tried?