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LPC802 debug failure with arm ds

I import a LPC802 hello_world keil example into arm ds. It could build pass and generate .axf file.

But I have met an error when debugging.

Here is my debug configuration:

When I click debug, here is the error log :

Stopping running target LPC804_DFP_LPC804M101JDH24 on connection
Connected to running target LPC804_DFP_LPC804M101JDH24
Execution stopped in Privileged Thread mode at 0x00001330
0x00001330   CMP      r0,#0
cd "C:\Users\nxf47831\Documents\arm_ds_workspace4"
Execution stopped in Privileged Thread mode at 0x00001330
0x00001330   CMP      r0,#0
Working directory "C:\Users\nxf47831\Documents\arm_ds_workspace4"
reset reset.hardware
flash load-multiple "C:\Users\nxf47831\Documents\repo_11_1\mcu-sdk-2.0\boards\lpcxpresso804\demo_apps\hello_world\hello_world_hello_world_debug\Debug\hello_world_hello_world_debug.axf"
! Flash programming failed
! Flash method setup failed
! Bus error on memory operation.
! Exception NativeException thrown in Python script null at line <Unknown>
file "C:\Users\nxf47831\Documents\repo_11_1\mcu-sdk-2.0\boards\lpcxpresso804\demo_apps\hello_world\hello_world_hello_world_debug\Debug\hello_world_hello_world_debug.axf"
reset reset.hardware
! Failed to reset device Cortex-M0+
Debug Sequence failed:
load "C:\Users\nxf47831\Documents\repo_11_1\mcu-sdk-2.0\boards\lpcxpresso804\demo_apps\hello_world\hello_world_hello_world_debug\Debug\hello_world_hello_world_debug.axf"
Ignored loads to:
0x00000000 ~ 0x00007FFF (LPC804M101JDH24-0)
Entry point 0x00000155
set debug-from main
! Failed to start the target
! Failed to set a breakpoint
! Unable to create breakpoint at 0x000013A0
! Failed to access hardware breakpoint resource.
WARNING(CMD407): Trying the entry point instead
! Failed to start the target
! Failed to set a breakpoint
! Unable to create breakpoint at 0x00000154
! Failed to access hardware breakpoint resource.

And the window was switched to Disassembly tab:

When using keil,  this project could build and debug successfully. I don't know why encounter error in arm ds. Because all the files and options are same, and the compilers are both arm compiler 5.

Does anyone know the reason of this error ? It will be appreciated for any suggestion.