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while running for CIFAR10 got error blob_dims == blob->shape() Cannot load blob from hdf5

I have download code from git clone

I have executed ML-examples ->cmsisnn-cifar10 and successfully generate mean file mean.binaryproto,cifar10_test_lmdb and cifar10_train_lmdb.

through below command 




 While converting trained Caffe model into .pkl file, so that it can be converted to cmsis-nn source  file  and so finally it can be imported to embedded board ARM-cortex7,by below command.

python --model models/cifar10_m7_train_test.prototxt --weights models/cifar10_m7_iter_300000.caffemodel.h5 --save models/cifar10_m7.pkl

got below error

Check failed: blob_dims == blob->shape() Cannot load blob from hdf5;
shape mismatch. Source shape is 16 32 5 5 (12800) target shape is 32 32 5 5 (25600)
*** Check failure stack trace: ***

I don't know why above error accure as I am using trained Caffe model without any modification. I am new to Caffe, please help me.