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Are the ARM MALI 450 MP and ARM MALI 450 MP4 the same thing or not?

Hey ARM community. I have bought a decent phone with the following graphics processing unit and I am wanting to know whether or not these 2 GPU's are the same or not:

- ARM Mali 450 MP4 and the:

- ARM Mali 450 MP (The word MP does not have a 4 at the end on this line but the line above does).

So I have given you the names of 2 video processors from ARM which I think feature at least 4 (quad cores) or octa (8) core and are clocked at 700MHz each GPU.

So is there a processor difference between the 450 MP and the 450 MP4????

I would like to know how much video memory the ARM Mali 450 MP or MP4 uses.
to store its pixels information or images as a buffer or just information for images or does it share video memory from the ram or shared memory instead?

If it shares memory, what is that type of memory called? NOP, IMP or what? Please give me a link on that.