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Cortex-A8 : instruction fetch for dual-issue


We experiment the following loop code (runs 4096 iterations) and we get CPI=0.66 (in other words, loop initiation interval (II) is about 6 machine cycles). We are trying really hard  to reason why II is ~6 not ~5. Having said this, could you advise us whether our manual simulation is correct or not.


.LBB1_1:                                @ %for.body
                                                @ =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
        ldr        r6, [r5]            I1
        mov     r3, r2             I2

        ldr        r4, [r2]           I3
        ldr        r7, [r3,           I4

        adds    r1, r1,           I5
        str     r7, [r2]             I6
        mla     r0, r4, r6, r0     I7
        mov     r2, r3               I8
        bne     .LBB1_1         I9




To simplify my question, please assume that the execution of the loop iteration is in a steady state (BTB, BPB, and cache is matured). Also, I ignored the decoding stages to bring out our question more clearly.

Since Cortex-A8 is a dual-issue in-order execute/commit processor, we simulate by fetching two instructions at a time. Please give us the comment whether it is correct or not. Thanks,

time 1:    fetch I1 and I2

time 2:    fetch I3 and I4       -    issue I1 in pipe0 and I2 in pipe1

time 3:    fetch I5 and I6       -    issue I3 in pipe0  (structural hazard)

time 4:    fetch I7 and I8       -    issue I4 in pipe0 and I5 in pipe1

time 5:    fetch I9 and I10  (next sequential addr)   -   issue I6 in pipe0

time 6:    fetch I11 and I12    - issue I7 in pipe0 and I8 in pipe1

                                                  since I9 (branch) is predicted as taken, discard I10, I11, and I12

time 7:   fetch I1 and I2       -    issue I9 in pipe0

time 8:   fetch I3 and I4       -    issue I1 in pipe0 and I2 in pipe1


  • Hi,

    Thanks for your question.

    I suspect that your model is a little too simplistic. If you look at Chapter 16 of the Cortex-A8 Technical Reference Manual, you will see that there are restrictions on the combinations of instructions which can be dual-issued. I think you will need to factor this in to your simulation.

    Out of interest, what is the purpose of your simulation?It looks very interesting.



  • Hi,

    Thanks for your question.

    I suspect that your model is a little too simplistic. If you look at Chapter 16 of the Cortex-A8 Technical Reference Manual, you will see that there are restrictions on the combinations of instructions which can be dual-issued. I think you will need to factor this in to your simulation.

    Out of interest, what is the purpose of your simulation?It looks very interesting.


