My board is RK3288, and my system is Ubuntu16.04. And Now my clinfo is: “Number of plaforms: 0”

Clinfo :

I get the msg is :   “Number of platforms:   0”

 And I doubted that is becasue  I haven't   installed   

Mali GPU User-Space Binary Drivers and Open Source Mali Midgard GPU Kernel Drivers

But  I don't know  how to  install them.  Because the official has only  provide the  download files   and   there isn't   any   install   tuorials.   The  only one  tuorials  are  old  and   coubldn't  be used.   I  really  hope  for a new  tuorial  about  how to install   Mali GPU User-Space Binary Drivers and Open Source Mali Midgard GPU Kernel Drivers   on   Linux  Ubuntu 16.04   based on the  rk3288  board.

Are  there  others possible reasons for  “Number of platforms:   0”???????????