I am attempting to get the Mali hardware counters on the S6 working, however the last information I could find was in a post on this forum, stating that the counters were broken by Samsung.
Since then I believe new Mali drivers have been released (labelled r7p0 in the kernel source), but I am still unable to get the counters to cooperate.
I attempted to use Gator 5.21 (the one included with the kernel source) and get no MobiCore warnings, but the hardware counters report only 0's.
I attempted to use Gator 5.24 which throws an error in streamline and never receives any data, "The gator driver did not start properly." and dmesg output:
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000 GAF structure checksum is invalid!
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/gaf.c, Line 120.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000 GAF checksum invalid
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 331.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 332.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 333.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000 ===============================================================================
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 334.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000 The kernel binary has been changed.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 335.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000 The platform/kernel binaries should be synchronized for running Secure Storage.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 336.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: SPID - 0x00000000 Please use the same version of platform/kernel binaries.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 337.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 338.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 339.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [ERROR]: File ../../../sec_driver/ss_config.c, Line 340.
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [WARN ]: SPID - 0x00000000 Sec Driver::set_config()
MobiCore mcd: b02|VALIDATOR [WARN ]: File ../../../arch/Mobicore/sec_driver/api/../modules/DrValidator.c, Line 669.
Other Setup Info
System: Android Marshmallow 6.0.1
Samsung Stock Kernel: G920FXXS3DPB2
Any information on getting these Mali hardware counters working would be most appreciated.