"The Linux version of the Mali DDKs include two components which run within the kernel. The most important of these, known as the Device Driver, provides the low-level access to the Mali-200 or Mali-400 GPU. An important, secondary component is the Unified Memory Profider (UMP) which can be used in a variety of ways to faciliate zero-copy operations within the driver stack.
From the r2p0 release onwards, both of these components are being made available under the GPLv2 licence. This page provides access to the source packages from which loadable kernel modules can be built.
Note that these two components are not a complete driver stack. To build a functional OpenGL ES or OpenVG driver you need access to the full source code of the Mali DDK, which is provided under the standard ARM commercial licence to all Mali GPU customers." cited from malideveloper.arm.com.
I have no idea that where I can get the full source code of the Mali GPU DDK. Does it means that Mali GPU products are equipped with the full source code of the Mail DDK which is used to build a complete driver stack by "provided under the standard ARM commercial licence to all Mail GPU customers".
Sorry to my ignorance,
Best Regards,