How to associate PL022 on Socrates

When I associating PL022 (PrimeCell PL022 Synchronous Serial Port) on Socrated 1.82/1.90. However it was failed with the message "No IP Package Associations have been found."

Other IPs were associated successfully.  How can I associate PL022 to Socrates?

  • The "No IP Package Associations have been found" message indicates that the IP path you entered when trying to associate the PL022 IP Catalog entry with an ARM IP bundle was incorrect.

    You would need to have licensed and downloaded the "PL022-BU-00000-r1p4-00rel0" IP bundle, and then if you point the association menu to where you have stored this IP bundle you should then see a report of...

      The following IP Package Associations have been found:

    ...followed by the path to your PL022 IP bundle.

    If you don't have the PL022 IP licensed, you won't have the IP bundle to associate the Socrates IP Catalog entry with, and so won't be able to render any PL022 RTL code.

    But as Ronan suggested, if you have licensed the PL022 IP from ARM you should use your support entitlements to raise an official Support case so that your issues can be discussed in more detail, but hopefully the above answers your question.

  • The "No IP Package Associations have been found" message indicates that the IP path you entered when trying to associate the PL022 IP Catalog entry with an ARM IP bundle was incorrect.

    You would need to have licensed and downloaded the "PL022-BU-00000-r1p4-00rel0" IP bundle, and then if you point the association menu to where you have stored this IP bundle you should then see a report of...

      The following IP Package Associations have been found:

    ...followed by the path to your PL022 IP bundle.

    If you don't have the PL022 IP licensed, you won't have the IP bundle to associate the Socrates IP Catalog entry with, and so won't be able to render any PL022 RTL code.

    But as Ronan suggested, if you have licensed the PL022 IP from ARM you should use your support entitlements to raise an official Support case so that your issues can be discussed in more detail, but hopefully the above answers your question.

  • I have an AFA license so that I can access the IP PL022.

    I submitted a case and I got an answer.

    The directory structure of current PL022 is wrong. The directory PL022_VC was lacked. I modified the directory structure for now then I successfully associated the PL022.

    I should close this thread. Sorry for taking your time.

  • Thank you for coming back to share the solution you discovered :)

  • This is the answer from ARM support.

    I'm waiting official patch:)


    In the "PL022-BU-00000-r1p4-00rel0" directory in your downloaded  IP bundle make a new directory "PL022_VC".

       mkdir PL022_VC

    Then move the "ssp_pl022" and "global" directories into the newly created "PL022_VC" directory.

       mv ssp_pl022/ PL022_VC/
       mv global/ PL022_VC/

    You should then have the following directory structure...
