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offline compiler and emulator in shader development studio

i add the "/home/apuser/Mali_Offline_Compiler_v4.1.0/Mali-400/malisc" in compiler of shader development studio in preferences,but the follow warning happens:

Description                                                                               Resource    Path         Location    Type

Offline compiler not found. Configure a compiler in preferences.    s.frag       /success    Unknown    MaliSC Reported Problem


and when rendering using opengles 2.0 emulator,the following warning happens:

Please check your Renderer:

- Is the correct one selected in the Shader Preview window?

- Is the address in the Renderer Preferences correct?

- Is the renderer running and waiting for connections?



  • Hi xinlove,

    Does this helpfully/correctly answer your question? If so, it would be great if you could mark the question as "answered" - this way future users can be sure of the correct answer if they ever have the same question.



  • Hi xinlove,

    First of all Mali GPU Offline Shader Compiler 4.1.0 will not work with Mali GPU Shader Development Studio v1.3.

    Please use Mali GPU Offline Shader Compiler 3.X.

    Moreover, there is a problem with using Mali GPU Offline Shader Compiler 3.X and Mali GPU Shader Development Studio v1.3 on Linux. As a result all performance counters are returned as 0.
    If you want to get valid performance info please use Mali GPU Shader Development Studio on Windows.

    "Please check your Renderer" warning is probably caused by the fact that OpenGL ES 2.0 Emulator libraries cannot be found.

    Could you please try to set the library path to the emulator bin folder before running Eclipse?

    Please run following command in the same terminal you launch Eclipse from:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to OpenGL ES 2.0 Emulator folder>/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    Also, make sure that is available in your system.

    Hope that helps,


  • 1. Please do not close out as the link for the 3.0 version of the offline compiler is no longer there in the "Previous Versions" page of the offline compiler.

    2. Tagging this one in there as well, please note that you need to use Eclipse v3.5.2 and not any newer version of Eclipse to get Studio to run.

    Please advise when the offline compiler v3.0 download link is available again, or if you want to post it in a reply that would be fine too.



  • Hi Bill,

    1. Well spotted, our mistake. Mali GPU Offline Shader Compiler 3.0 is now available for download
    2. You are correct, Mali GPU Shader Development Studio doesn't work with Eclipse 4.X [Kepler] or newer, it requires Eclipse 3.X [Indigo]. And I'm pretty sure I had it working with v3.7.2.

