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Keil RTX example project

Hi all,

         We are planning to migrate from MCUXpresso to Keil MDK. Our project is based on IMX RT1010 (or 1015) , which is an ARM M7 architecture. I am using MDK5 community license to get familiarized with IDE. 

The reason for transition from MCUXpresso to keil is RTX and middleware included in MDK 6 essential edition.

I am trying to find an example of RTX project. I found some starting points in

I tried to get the below examples working in my setup (CMSIS_RTOS2_Tutorial (V2.1) & (V1.1.0))

When i copy this project to uVison, i get the following error.

I guess the example is made at a lower version than what is installed. 

Below are the installed versions of Keil

µVision V5.40.0.0
Copyright (C) 2024 ARM Ltd and ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.

License Information:
Syam Krishnan
User-based license: Keil MDK Community (non-commercial free of charge)
Valid until: Jun 1 2033. Cached until: Jul 16 2024

Tool Version Numbers:
Toolchain: Keil MDK Community (non-commercial free of charge Version:
Toolchain Path: C:\Users\syam\AppData\Local\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\bin\
C Compiler: ArmClang.exe V6.22
Assembler: Armasm.exe V6.22
Linker/Locator: ArmLink.exe V6.22
Library Manager: ArmAr.exe V6.22
Hex Converter: FromElf.exe V6.22
Dialog DLL: DARMSTM.DLL V1.69.1.0
Target DLL: UL2CM3.DLL V1.164.11.0
Dialog DLL: TCM.DLL V1.56.4.0

Can anyone help me out here ?