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What is the difference between sparse and full example of cmsdk_ahb_busmatrix?


As I know Cortex M3 design kit have lots of  stuff IP. one of those things is cmsdk_ahb_busmatrix.

But I want to know does cmsdk_ahb_busmatrix supports AHB-full specification? or just supports AHB-LITE?

I'm confuse that because there some example explained like  2 AHB Master and 3 AHB Slaves.

As I know AHB-LITE supports just one Master not multiple. Does anyone please let me know what can I do with cmsdk_ahb_busmatrix instead AMBA Designer?

  • The CMSDK busmatrix files will support both AHB and AHB-lite. If you look at the RTL files created there will be one top level BusMatrix filename (which supports AHB), and then another top level BusMatrix filename with an "_lite" suffix. This file is an AHB-lite wrapper around the AHB top level file. Use whichever top level file you need for your bus protocol.

    The difference between "full" and "sparse" XML configuration files is that the "full" configuration connects every master to every slave (fully connected), whereas the "sparse" configuration shows how to generate an interconnect where masters do not always connect to every slave (reducing the interconnect logic complexity).

    The AMBA Designer tool does not support configuration of a CMSDK BusMatrix, it only supports the older ADK BusMatrix design. The CMSDK busmatrix is configured only via the command line, with the ability to include an XML file (the "sparse" and "full" examples should help you create your own XML configuration).