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What's the difference between ETM and Debug?

In the ARM core such as cortex-R4, it has ETM and Debug so I want ask What's the difference between ETM and Debug?

  • Thanks very much for your answer!

    And I find the answer here:

    When it comes to debug or to optimize an embedded system, embedded developers
    have two main options available to them:

    1. Conventional debug: typically setting breakpoints and/or watch points
      to halt the processing unit and from there use a debug connection to examine or
      modify register or memory and single-step to understand how the program

      While enabling developers to control the execution and debug their
      code, conventional debug has several disadvantages:

      • Intrusive: debug halters the behavior of the system
      • Requirement to stop the processor, for some applications it may not
        be possible to stop the processor (e.g. hard-disk, automotive, …)
      • Non real-time: cannot be used to debug software operating real-time.
      • No performance visibility: cannot observe software performance.
    2. Real-time trace: when the system is running, trace macrocells collect
      instruction and / or data transfer, compress this information and deliver
      off-chip in real-time or on-chip for post processing.
      Trace is post-merged
      with source code in development workstation for later analysis.