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ARMCLANG compile TensorflowLiteMicro

I am developing a ML system based on Cortex-M4 in C language and combined tensorflow packages ( to my C project.

This package is writen in C++11. So, I use ARM Compiler V6.14 to build my C project.

Becuase Tensorflow package was writen in CC File not Cpp file so that Keil seems to reocognize CC file as C file, and it led to compiling error. So, I tried to converted all CC file in Tensorflow Packages to Cpp file, and Keil finally could build all of the Tensorflow Packages files in my project.

I want to know is there any way to let Keil MDK v5.37 recognize CC file as Cpp file? And I don't need to manually convert all CC file to Cpp File.

Thanks for your help!

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  • Now, there is another problem while compiling C file.

    => error: invalid argument '-std=c99' not allowed with 'C++'

    Should I change the  Language C option?

    I tried to select Language C option as <default>.

    It seems that CC file could be compiled as C++, but it made influence and throw warning and error to some C file in my project (I guess that is caused by different syntax becasue now the whole project is treating as C++ project?).

  • [Update]

    I found a solution that we can set the target CC files as C++ file, and then the compiler is able to treat the CC files as C++ file and compile with C++ default settings.