Dear Sir/Ma'am,
In SOC size of interconnections between multiple processors is very small. So is it possible to have one big size central cache for all processors ignoring access time.
I know processors share cache memories with other processors by using interconnections.
But can we make an SOC that have a single central cache for all processors. If we can do this what will be its disadvantages other than longer access time.
The interconnect of a SoC is one of the hardest design areas and is not small.
You might like the Wikipedia article about where caches fit into a system at
Cache hierarchy
It is usual to have small caches in the processors and larger caches that the small caches talk to shared between the processors. The speed of the processors is to a very large extent determined by the speed of the cache. They spend practically all their time reading and writing data. Slowing the caches so as to have more processors is in general a bad idea, it increases the time to do individual jobs and does not enable more work to be done in the same time.
Dear Daith, You have just repeated my question back. Let me explain it again. multiple processors with single cache inside SOC. Which means interconnections will be very small. ignore speed in this case.
The whole point of caches is to help with speed. If you are ignoring speed then just get rid of the cache. The disadvantage of a cache when you ignore speed is that it is a waste of space and effort.
Actually i want to know can we have any advantages/disadvantages in mapping. Or resources present on single cache. I know all about speed problems. Hope you understand.