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ARM AXI4 protocol assertions trigger errm_wdata_num_prop5 and errm_wlast_stable quesitons


I'm getting two AXI4 protocol assertion errors.

For axi4_errm_wlast_stable, I can see why it's flagging an error but functionally it shouldn't be a problem.

The WREADY =1 for one more cycle when though WVALID=0 and WLAST=0. 

Is this a real error in the axi4 protocol and why ?

But for wdata_num_prop5, I don't understand the problem.

The AWLEN[7:0] = 00 (which means burst = 1)

The AWSIZE[2:0] = 4 (which means 16 bytes or 128 bits)

The WDATA[127:0] is 128 bits.

Need someone to explain why the assertion triggered.

The documentation is not clear.



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