AXI4 data-less write transactions

The AXI5 spec, ARM IHI 0022 issue K, mentions data-less writes in a number of places.

Am I correct in assuming that the write-data channel must still transfer a single beat with WLAST set to true and all WSTRB set to zero before the target responds with BVALID? Diagram  A3.5 seems to suggest that a jump from AWVALID to BVALID would be possible but the rules above that state "The Subordinate must also wait for WLAST to be asserted before asserting BVALID. This wait is because the write response, BRESP, must be signaled only after the last data transfer of a write transaction."

i.e. the following is the only legal implementation

[AWADDR etc with AWLEN set to zero and AWSIZE set to any value] -> [WDATA+ WLAST+ ~WSTRB] -> [BVALID, BRESP etc.]

If it is not necessary to service the WDATA channel, how does the write request channel signal a data-less write access?


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