how to reset axi master can cause axi bus deadlock in soc design

hello I want to know how to reset axi master can cause axi bus  matrix deadlock in soc design,and how to aviod or detect this condition? I use nic400 matrix bus.

  • A deadlock can occur in an AXI system when you have outstanding transactions that have not completed.  AXI components will typically expect that all AXI transactions will complete in a protocol compliant manner once they have been issued, and they will wait indefinitely for all parts of the transaction to complete.

    This means you need to ensure that all the components are idle before resetting any of them.  Often this can be achieved by using the low power interface which will guarantee via a handshake that the component you are trying to reset is idle.

    You also need to ensure that any boundaries with non-reset components will not have xREADY high and accept transfers while they are in reset.  This would similarly result in lost transactions a potential deadlock.  Often this can also be ensured by using a low power interface handshake.

  • A deadlock can occur in an AXI system when you have outstanding transactions that have not completed.  AXI components will typically expect that all AXI transactions will complete in a protocol compliant manner once they have been issued, and they will wait indefinitely for all parts of the transaction to complete.

    This means you need to ensure that all the components are idle before resetting any of them.  Often this can be achieved by using the low power interface which will guarantee via a handshake that the component you are trying to reset is idle.

    You also need to ensure that any boundaries with non-reset components will not have xREADY high and accept transfers while they are in reset.  This would similarly result in lost transactions a potential deadlock.  Often this can also be ensured by using a low power interface handshake.

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