Hello, I am using the AXI4 protocol and I wonder if I can create a read-modify-write access just by modifying the write_strobes signals.
Is it possible, or do write strobes signals always have a determinate value? Here is an example:
* WRITE SIZE= 32bits
* Write address= 0
* Write fixed
* Wdata= EEEE ABCD
For a normal access, the strobe should be equal to h'F = b'1111, and no read-modify-write access should occur. BUT, if I replace the strobe with h'C= b'1100, will it cause a read-modify-write (only writing EEEE in the register) or am I violating the protocol? The AXI specification just indicates that strobes at '0' indicate a invalid data, can we force data to be invalid to cause RMW accesses?
Same question for unaligned acesses:
* Write address= 1
For a normal access, the strobe should be equal to h'E = b'1110 indicating that "AB" will be written at address 1, a read-modify-write access should occur to fill value at address 0. BUT, if I replace the strobe with h'C= b'1100, will it cause the read-modify-write (only writing EEEE in the register) on address 1 also?
Thanks for taking time to answer!