When I read the section A4.3.1 "AxCACHE[1], Modifiable" in AXI protocol,for non-modifiable transaction, there is a table shows what parameters should be fixed as non-modifiable as following
However, there are some exceptions as following,For example, a bus width narrower then the transfer size => AxSIZE should be modifiedFor the other example, in AXI4, a INCR burst with more than 16 beats can be converted to multiple smaller bursts, even if the transaction attributes indicate that the transaction is Non-modifiable=> AxADDR and AxLEN can be modifiedExcept for AxADDR, AxLEN, and AxSIZE, are those other signals listed in the table can be modified under some circumstance?I think AxLOCK and AxPROT should never be modified, but what about AxREGION and AxBURST? is there any chance they can be modified even if the transaction is non-modifiable?