Hi all,
After reading the AXI5 specification, I ran into some doubts regarding the AWLEN of AtomicCompare transactions. As per the specification, we can have AWLEN > 0 which ultimately means we can have multiple beats for a particular transaction and for AtomicCompare type of transaction with aligned address and AWBURST as INCR, how should I transmit the WDATA?
Here is a scenario:
BUS_WIDTH = 32bits AWSIZE = 2 (4 Bytes) AWLEN = 3 (4 Beats) AWBURST = INCR AWATOP = AtomicCompare AWADDR = 0x00 What will be the WDATA? Here C = 1 Byte Compare Data and S = 1 Byte Swap Data. Case 1: WDATA[0] = CCCC WDATA[1] = SSSS WDATA[2] = CCCC WDATA[3] = SSSS Case 2: WDATA[0] = CCCC WDATA[1] = CCCC WDATA[2] = SSSS WDATA[3] = SSSS
Raghav Rastogi.