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About two port SRAM compiler in tsmc 0.13um ?


    I only found signle and dual-port sram compiler in tsmc 0.13µm process IP Library,.

    Doesn't ARM support the two port SRAM compiler for tsmc 0.13µm process?

    Thank you

  • Hello,

    Usually 2-port are built as register files, not as SRAM compilers. If you look for 2-port register files from ARM in most TSMC 0.13u variants, they should be available

    If you look for a very large density 2-port, that is uncommon in all processes. Usually you use a dual-port SRAM, or a single-port SRAM double clocked, to emulate the 2-port behavior


  • Hello,

    Add to Lluis' reply, two port register file is available on all TSMC 130nm variants.  Please feel free to log onto ARM DesignStart webpage to explore more than 130 unique Physical IP Platforms and access to free IP evaluation.  Most memory and logic IP are available at no cost.




  • Indeed there are several two port compilers available for the TSMC 0.13um nodes. Each contains "Two Port Reg File Compiler" in the title and are available on DesignStart as armallison mentioned.