Hi JD,Sorry. I think I didn't describe my questions clearly. So I will describe my questions in more detail this time.
Question 1:assuming the address bus and data bus are 32-bit wide. In the first transfer of a burst, I want to write 4 byte data to the address of 0x00000000 and of course, AWSIZE is 3'b010 and WSTRB is 4'b1111. In the second transfer, I want to write 1 byte data to the address of 0x00000005 and 1 byte data to the address of 0x00000007. Can I set AWSIZE to be 3'b010 and set WSTRB to be 4'b1010?
In the third transfer, I want to write 4 byte data to the address of 0x00000008 and of course, AWSIZE is 3'b010 and WSTRB is 4'b1111. If I can do the second transfer in my way, will the slave's address register be added by 4 to prepare for receiving the next transfer's data?
Question 2:assuming the address bus and data bus are 32-bit wide. In the first transfer of a burst, I want to write 2 byte data to the address of 0x00000000 and of course, AWSIZE is 3'b001 and WSTRB is 4'b0011. Will the slave's address register be added by 2 to prepare for receiving the next transfer's data?
Question 3:assuming the address bus and data bus are 32-bit wide. In the first transfer of a burst, I want to write 1 byte data to the address of 0x00000001 and 1 byte data to the address of 0x00000003. Can I set AWSIZE to be 3'b001 and WSTRB to be 4'b1010?
Will the slave's address register be added by 4 to prepare for receiving the next transfer's data?