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Error building software stack


I have been trying to build the Morello software stack using the 1.3 release user-guide.rst and have not been able to get it to build.

The error I have been getting is:  

Submodule path 'llvm': checked out '47853ef78a113576a9f4e927fe46409a88f1c503'
Submodule path 'llvm-project': checked out '16fc6390465662de8e05f46313d61f697ede77f5'
fatal: Needed a single revision
Unable to find current origin/master revision in submodule path 'morello/llvm'
Checking out files: 100% (19217/19217), done.
Previous HEAD position was 47853ef7 Add binaries with a fix to lldb-server.
Switched to branch 'morello/baremetal-release-1.3'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/morello/baremetal-release-1.3'.
Previous HEAD position was 16fc63904656 [Morello][lldb] Remove explicit dependency of Android source
Switched to branch 'morello/release-1.3'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/morello/release-1.3'.
Fetching origin
fatal: A branch named 'morello/release' already exists.

Using the following command:
./build-scripts/ -p soc -f busybox build

Have I made a mistake somewhere or is there a problem with the repository?
  • Hi Cobain,

    This error:

    fatal: A branch named 'morello/release' already exists.

    is a known issue with the current releases of morello-aarch64. It should however be harmless if you haven't changed the branch manually in morello-aarch64/morello/musl, and it shouldn't stop the build either. Is this what you are observing?

    Please note that there is a more serious issue when using the 1.3 or 1.4 release, causing Musl to fail to build (this happens after the checkout error you are referring to). This was fixed in minor releases 1.3.1 and 1.4.1. Make sure to switch to either of these releases; as a general rule you are encouraged to use the latest release, that is 1.4.1.

    Hope that helps,


  • Hi Cobain,

    This error:

    fatal: A branch named 'morello/release' already exists.

    is a known issue with the current releases of morello-aarch64. It should however be harmless if you haven't changed the branch manually in morello-aarch64/morello/musl, and it shouldn't stop the build either. Is this what you are observing?

    Please note that there is a more serious issue when using the 1.3 or 1.4 release, causing Musl to fail to build (this happens after the checkout error you are referring to). This was fixed in minor releases 1.3.1 and 1.4.1. Make sure to switch to either of these releases; as a general rule you are encouraged to use the latest release, that is 1.4.1.

    Hope that helps,


  • Thanks Kevin, will definitely try that.

    Cobain was using 1.3, as the guide on the Arm website here links directly to the 1.3 documentation here and I guess he took it on trust that it was current.

    Maybe we could add a note in the top-level guide to indicate that the direct link isn't necessarily current, and advising users to check for updates?

    Thanks again.