I'm trying to add the USB MSC component to a device that already implements the USB Custom Class component. The MSC component works fine, but the Custom Class component stopped working. Can anybody confirm that my combination of USB device classes works?
I've checked that the RTX RTOS is configured correctly and the USB threads run. Other users in the forum had the problem that threads didn't launch due to insufficient memory.
When I move the MSC component to an other USB instance (USBD_Config_MSC_0.h/USBD_MSC0_DEV == 1) the Custom Class component works again. My device has only a single USB port, so this isn't an option though.
I've used the Windows Device Manager to analyze the Problem. Curiously both device classes are displayed, but I'm no longer able to connect to the device via my custom service tool.
Has anybody had similar issues, or knows how I could further debug the problem?