Problem with connecting to xc2787


I want to connect the Xc2787 chip with keil uvision5 and with ulink 2 or miniwiggler programmer but i have a problem.

this chip seems have two jtag port connection which is:

port A:

tms_a : pin39 / tdo_a: pin8 / tdi_a: pin34 / tck_a: pin 82

Port B:

tms_b: pin 118 / tdo_b: pin 121 / tdi_b: pin 117 / tck_b: 115

We connected vref and treset  and ground and reset on both port a and port b but when we press the start/stop debug session, it will say that the jtag device is not connected.

I have checked the tms  and tdi and tck pins via Oscilloscope and i saw that these pins have pulse except tdo pin when i start the debug session 

here is the link of the chip datasheet for you:

please help us to how to connect this chip to ulink2 or miniwiggler.

Best regards

Good luck

  • Update on problem...


    our connection with chip has been resolved.

    there was an ic on board which it was keep reseting the board and it wouldn't connect to chip.

    we reduced the jtag clk speed on 50khz and unlink connected to the chip successfully.

    when we want to erase the chip, it will say: 

    target dll has been cancelled! debug aborted!

    we pressed the download flash and start the debug session. but it will say this error message too.

    another note that when we  remove unlink2 from the device, it will say no unlink device found and then it will say that error message again.

    we believe that it is a keil uvision software issue.

    we updated the software to the latest version too.

    does anyone know what is target dll means and anyone knows what this error means.

    i posted the debug config picture too.

    please help us with this problem that we have.

    best regards.