NXP MIMXRT1064CVL5B device/target
My current project for this target compiled with zero errors when using MDK-middleware 7.16.0.
I updated pack to 7.17.0 (which required me to also download ARM.CMSIS-View.1.0.0). This was all done successfully.
Now, pointing to 7.17.0, the project builds, but with the following warning:
C:/<path>/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/Keil/MDK-Middleware/7.17.0/Network/Include\net_config.h(15): warning: unknown warning group '-Wcast-function-type-strict', ignored [-Wunknown-warning-option]
I am wondering how to get rid of this warning; not sure what the issue is.
Thank you.
You're correct, using MDK Plus 5.38.
I do recall running into a number of issues with the newer version (I don't recall now if that was 5.39 or 5.40) but the pack installer would remain in 'offline' state.
Thank you for the response.