MDK-Middleware 7.17.0 Compile Warning

NXP MIMXRT1064CVL5B device/target

My current project for this target compiled with zero errors when using MDK-middleware 7.16.0.

I updated pack to 7.17.0 (which required me to also download ARM.CMSIS-View.1.0.0). This was all done successfully.

Now, pointing to 7.17.0, the project builds, but with the following warning:

C:/<path>/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/Keil/MDK-Middleware/7.17.0/Network/Include\net_config.h(15): warning: unknown warning group '-Wcast-function-type-strict', ignored [-Wunknown-warning-option]

I am wondering how to get rid of this warning; not sure what the issue is.

Thank you.